The Before: An overwhelmed woman, Janie, is ready to seek outside help in her cluttered home. As Tara tours the home, there is evidence of impulsive shopping, deferred decisions, outdated food and medical supplies, and forgotten keepsakes. We learn that Janie's teenaged son suffers from a chronic medical condition that requires constant care and by the end of the day, she has no reserves to maintain her possessions. In addition, her stress level with work and family-of-origin relationships have caused her to shop as an outlet.
Supportive Intervention: Tara helps Janie process how her life circumstances have led to a chaotic home, and sorts through her things with her. When confronted with a pile of clothing that still has tags attached, Janie sees the totality of her mindless escape and how it has done nothing to help her actually relieve stress.
The After: Tara and Janie tour and process Janie's newly organized home. We see flashbacks to The Before and Janie shares insights she's learned about her habits, her grief, and how she will move forward.