My Why
When I was a young mom with two biological sons and a newly adopted daughter, every day felt like an unpredictable whirlwind. I loved being a mom, but hated that I couldn't predict when the babies - or I - would fall apart. I fought for a sense of order and structure and found it in organizing my home. I couldn't control these tiny humans, but I could control a junk drawer or closet. I decided that more people needed to have this for themselves and I wanted to help them get there, leaning on my education and experience as a former therapist. I founded House Peace in 2013 and, with my incredible team, we have changed the lives of thousands of clients.
My kids are teenagers now and I am ready to share all that Iām learning with as many people as I can.
House Therapy is about how simply being a human in an unpredictable world can express itself in clutter and disorder at home. I walk alongside people to help them dig out of the internal and external chaos. Carrying others' stories can be heavy, but I find meaning and joy in every home. House Therapy is a celebration of removing the shame of household disorder and replacing it with confidence in chaos resilience.
Will you partner with me? I am looking for a talented producer with unscripted TV experience and contacts who can help me launch this start to finish.